Making A Release

Releasing libloot


  1. Update the version numbers by running python scripts/set_version_number.py <version>.
  2. Make sure that the version histories in docs/api/changelog.rst and docs/metadata/changelog.rst are up to date for the new release and that its release date is set.


  1. Tag the commit and push the tag to GitHub.
  2. Activate the tag's documentation version on Read The Docs if it is not automatically activated.

Releasing LOOT


  1. Update the version numbers by running python scripts/set_version_number.py <version>.
  2. Make sure that the version history in docs/app/changelog.rst is up to date for the new release and that its release date is set.
  3. Add the release to the <releases> element in resources/linux/io.github.loot.loot.metainfo.xml.

If the new release makes metadata syntax changes:

  1. Run lomad using lomad -t <github personal access token> -a -b <branch name> to (for all masterlists) create a branch for that release.
  2. Update the default masterlist branch value and add the old value to GameSettings::oldDefaultBranches in src/gui/state/game/game_settings.cpp.
  3. Update the Repository branch setting in the Version control tab of the settings page for the LOOT masterlist prelude on Weblate.


  1. Tag the commit and push the tag to GitHub.
  2. Once the tag's GitHub Actions release workflow has completed, publish the draft release that it created.
  3. Activate the tag's documentation version on Read The Docs if it is not automatically activated.

Update Flathub

  1. Update io.github.loot.loot.yml in the flathub/io.github.loot.loot GitHub repository to match the resources/linux/io.github.loot.loot.yml file in the loot/loot GitHub repository, except that the LOOT release archive should be downloaded from the LOOT release published on GitHub.
  2. Open a pull request to merge the changes into the master branch, and merge it.

See the Flathub documentation for details on how Flathub builds and publishes changes.

Port Metadata

Be sure to merge post-branching metadata changes that were made in the masterlists' old default branches into the new default branches.